Data backup

How important is it to perform data backup?  How do we lose our data? Why does this happen?  Most of the time we are just very busy. We forget to backup our files. We copy only certain data to our usb drive. The rest resides on different folders and drives.

It is important to backup your data. Because you will probably lose years worth of your documents, photos and music.

However, once you create a master backup, a good idea is to schedule automatic file backups.  This will prevent you from losing your new files or updated files.  Windows 7 has a built it backup and restore service under the control panel.  However, you can find open source software as well on the web.  One free program is called  Backup Maker (free for private use). It has scheduling options and includes a wizard.  If you are willing to pay about $50.00 you can purchase NovaBACKUP 15. It was rated #1 Windows Backup Software by

The other option is to store your data on the cloud. That is good option if you are always connected to the net and do not mind paying for the service. I still prefer having a small usb drive next to me for large files.

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